Nice brass vesta
Vestas in brass * A subtype of the type vintage * a design enamelled * Especially: intricate, enamelled ¬
Price: 26 £
Product condition: Used
Nice brass vesta
Vestas in brass * A subtype of the type vintage * a design enamelled * Especially: intricate, enamelled ¬
Price: 26 £
Product condition: Used
Antique solid silver
Antique solid silver. Of the brand birmingham and this is also a product -> cigarette vesta cases * A material predefined as solid silver * A composition of the type ´solid silver´ * an age qualified as ´19001940´ * It's an antique ¬
Price: 13 £
Product condition: Used
Antique vintage souvenir
Antique vintage souvenir. Antique vintage cigarette. Price to be …~
Price: 5.50 £
Product condition: Used
Vesta beef curry
Vesta beef curry. 215gm. Old…~
Price: 25 £
Product condition: New
Genuine nickel plated
Vesta case in brass; a subtype of the type african covers; A design designated by figural elephant; in particular: brass, vesta ¬
Price: 14 £
Product condition: Used
Check out these interesting ads related to "vesta"
george smith sheffield knives silver vesta boxes saturno silver animals victorian silver spoons enamel spoons antique sterling classic thimble 1930s cigarette case solid silver buckle silver inkwell repousse tools matchbox cover white brothers forks silver christening spoonDecorated vesta cases
Decorated vesta cases. Antique vintage cigarette. Surplus. 99anti…~
Price: 3.20 £
Product condition: Used
Vesta chow mein
Vesta chow mein. A size of 152 g and a product type designated by noodle ¬
Price: 22 £
Product condition: New
Vesta chow mein
Price: 26 £
Product condition: New
Vesta case brass
Rare japanese vesta. The brass vesta. Hand sale. The vesta featur…~
Price: 2.00 £
Product condition: New
Rare memento mori
Very unusual. Traces old pant. Second hand…~
Price: 11 £
Product condition: Used
Check out these interesting ads related to "vesta"
dutch silver spoon cheroot case gin decanter label solid silver lighter silver quaich bronze otter solid silver butter knife cymric silver antique silver caddy spoon solid silver dressing table set enamel silver thimble silver christening mugStunning antique vesta
Great item marking…~
Price: 5.91 £
Product condition: Used
Silver plated brass
This special attraction. This vesta case. Price to be agreed upon…~
Price: 2.79 £
Product condition: Used
Job lot collection
Expected age related. Could gentle clean. Price to be agreed upon…~
Price: 40 £
Product condition: Used
Rare nickel plated
The reverse shows. The lid closes. Consignment. There also sandpa…~
Price: 9.82 £
Product condition: Used
Vesta case .925
Hinge works perfectly. Marked sterling, shows. Refurbished. 3gram…~
Price: 35 £
Product condition: New
Antique brass vesta
Size vesta case. With motor car. Price to be agreed upon. Striker…~
Price: 30 £
Product condition: Used
Antique solid silver
Price: 68 £
Product condition: Used
Silver plated base
The lid closes. The reverse engraved. Mutually agreeable price…~
Price: 1.75 £
Product condition: Used
Small antique brass
Delve charm yesteryear. The item showcases. Pictures available. 7…~
Price: 5.91 £
Product condition: Used
Vesta case .830
Fine siæver vesta. Hallmarked 830. Price to be negotiated. Top…~
Price: 40 £
Product condition: New